Monday, July 4, 2011

Closing in on a milestone...

The week before last, I celebrated my 29th birthday. I'm not one of these people that dread turning thirty, or even feel the need to accomplish some big thing before it happens. In fact, I'm quite looking forward to it, as I was to turn twenty. A new decade and a fresh start. I'm not too excited about these little lines that are showing up on my face and these grey strands on my head that have a snowball's chance in hell of staying visible, but I understand fully that it comes with the territory. I look back on the past 10 years and realize that a lifetime of things have happened:
I've loved, I lived in Costa Rica for a summer, I grew to the size of a planet, I let love go, I moved from sunny Louisiana to the snowy, bitterly cold North, I lost friends, I gained friends, I maintained friends, I found love again, I lost weight and gained a healthier me.
It's not that I ever lose focus on what I just described. I spent most of this winter depressed as many do. It's hard when the skies turn grey and I'm all snowed in. I know that I might feel that way again come November, but it makes me truly appreciate the days like today - sunny, clear and hot (well, by NY standards, anyway). Days where I can sit on my porch and blog about life, when I can walk across the street to embark on a 3 hour hike to just bask in the sun next to a waterfall formed by glaciers during the last ice age.
I look around me and I feel really lucky. I plan on keeping it going.
