Thursday, January 6, 2011

*cracks knuckles*

...Cuz I'm gonna be doing a lot of typing this year!

Okay, so I know that's what I say every year, but meh. I'll go with the illusion as long as it lasts. I never committed to the 365 project because I know that I wouldn't be able to do it. Anyway, I know I stated that I would channel my inner drag queen in every post this year, but I was also on some medication when I wrote that. Who knows? Maybe s/he'll find a way to pop up in my posts.

I wish I had something more clever to type here, but I don't. I've been feeling tired lately, mostly because I'm getting over a nasty stomach bug. I'm curling up on the couch in my favorite sweatpants and zoning out on streaming Netflix. It can't continue. My hair needs a trim and my roots are out of control. My nails are finally growing and getting stronger (yay!) but I have yet to paint them some fun, obnoxious color (boo!).

I have to get my toes in on that action, too, because I have to find a way to wear my new black Betsey Johnson's with BIG SATIN BOW TIE AT THE ANKLE (!) while there is no snow on the ground. I don't care if the high is 19 degrees. I'll risk the frostbite. If mother nature thwarts my plan, I'll wear the bitches in the spring.

There. That's today's blog!

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