Friday, June 17, 2011

Bust out the bloodhounds!

I need help regarding a personal project - particularly if you are into Archaeology/Anthropology and/or you speak French.

There is a saying that is carved in the Parisian Catacombs surrounded by dancing skeletons.In English, it reads something along the lines of "As we are, soon you shall be."  I need to know if this is the correct translation: "Comme nous sommes, vous serez bientôt."

I obtained this translation from Google, so I don't know if it's reflecting the correct form of "to be" since, linguistically speaking, Death is a state of being. Then again, Death is merely insinuated in the sentence, so I don't know if my previous question would even apply.

All that being said...

If this doesn't exist, am I just thinking about the scene from Kingdom of Heaven?

Any insight would be helpful. Thanks!

I have received confirmation that the translation is correct, I just need to find out if I'm referencing the correct material.

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