Sunday, February 7, 2010

N'awlins, dawlin'

I feel the overwhelming need to make a post about my hometown.

First, let me say that it's no secret that I can be a girly-girl. I like to dress up and go out. I live for things like make-up, high heels and all-around fabulousness.  That being said, I really don't mind getting my hands dirty, either. I grew up in a sports fanatic household, after all. This leads me to the point of this post.

I was born in New Orleans, Louisiana when Spring meets Summer. I was told that it was a rainy, Wednesday afternoon. Never in all of my 27 years did I think that I would see the Saints make it to the Super Bowl. Now, to know how I feel, you would have to be from NOLA, that's all I will say.

The game's on.

Finish strong, Boys. WHODAT!

1 comment:

Somethin' to say?
