Sunday, September 11, 2011

La vida...

If there is one thing that I have realized in my short time here on Earth is that life is too short; Too short for xenophobia and what-ifs, too short for continued judgement based on personal biases and too short not to love someone, even when it's hard.

I saw this quote today:
"Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding" - Albert Einstein

The world has a long way to go.

Like all of you, I remember this day so vividly. I can't imagine what it must have been like for a person who was actually there or who lost someone. I remember those lives that were lost and those who continue to lose their lives from events that happened 10 years ago today. Then I remember to keep on living.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Closing in on a milestone...

The week before last, I celebrated my 29th birthday. I'm not one of these people that dread turning thirty, or even feel the need to accomplish some big thing before it happens. In fact, I'm quite looking forward to it, as I was to turn twenty. A new decade and a fresh start. I'm not too excited about these little lines that are showing up on my face and these grey strands on my head that have a snowball's chance in hell of staying visible, but I understand fully that it comes with the territory. I look back on the past 10 years and realize that a lifetime of things have happened:
I've loved, I lived in Costa Rica for a summer, I grew to the size of a planet, I let love go, I moved from sunny Louisiana to the snowy, bitterly cold North, I lost friends, I gained friends, I maintained friends, I found love again, I lost weight and gained a healthier me.
It's not that I ever lose focus on what I just described. I spent most of this winter depressed as many do. It's hard when the skies turn grey and I'm all snowed in. I know that I might feel that way again come November, but it makes me truly appreciate the days like today - sunny, clear and hot (well, by NY standards, anyway). Days where I can sit on my porch and blog about life, when I can walk across the street to embark on a 3 hour hike to just bask in the sun next to a waterfall formed by glaciers during the last ice age.
I look around me and I feel really lucky. I plan on keeping it going.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Bust out the bloodhounds!

I need help regarding a personal project - particularly if you are into Archaeology/Anthropology and/or you speak French.

There is a saying that is carved in the Parisian Catacombs surrounded by dancing skeletons.In English, it reads something along the lines of "As we are, soon you shall be."  I need to know if this is the correct translation: "Comme nous sommes, vous serez bientôt."

I obtained this translation from Google, so I don't know if it's reflecting the correct form of "to be" since, linguistically speaking, Death is a state of being. Then again, Death is merely insinuated in the sentence, so I don't know if my previous question would even apply.

All that being said...

If this doesn't exist, am I just thinking about the scene from Kingdom of Heaven?

Any insight would be helpful. Thanks!

I have received confirmation that the translation is correct, I just need to find out if I'm referencing the correct material.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

At least I smell good!

So, I went to the bookstore today at lunch and decided to wear one of the perfume samples. By "wear", I actually mean that I spilled perfume all over my arms and now I smell like a call girl. An expensive, call girl, though. It was Armani. I have my standards.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Here's another fluff post...

I've been really uninspired as of late but I'm constantly feeling the itch to write. I have 3 different blogs that I'm trying to keep up: this one, one about health/fitness/weight-loss and one about food. I keep insisting that I need a hobby to break up the mundane crapola of everyday life.  It's just that said crapola just seems to get in the way all the time.

I decided to pursue one of my my interests... but, I'll have to write about that another day. =)

Friday, March 11, 2011


A new post will come soon. I'm just trying to find the inspiration to pull all of my thoughts together in one cohesive train of thought. It's pretty tough when stream-of-consciousness is a primary method of communication.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Remembering a great man

"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity."

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. "

~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

If you have the day off, remember why. We need more great men and women to infect this society not just with one's words, but with one's actions.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

*cracks knuckles*

...Cuz I'm gonna be doing a lot of typing this year!

Okay, so I know that's what I say every year, but meh. I'll go with the illusion as long as it lasts. I never committed to the 365 project because I know that I wouldn't be able to do it. Anyway, I know I stated that I would channel my inner drag queen in every post this year, but I was also on some medication when I wrote that. Who knows? Maybe s/he'll find a way to pop up in my posts.

I wish I had something more clever to type here, but I don't. I've been feeling tired lately, mostly because I'm getting over a nasty stomach bug. I'm curling up on the couch in my favorite sweatpants and zoning out on streaming Netflix. It can't continue. My hair needs a trim and my roots are out of control. My nails are finally growing and getting stronger (yay!) but I have yet to paint them some fun, obnoxious color (boo!).

I have to get my toes in on that action, too, because I have to find a way to wear my new black Betsey Johnson's with BIG SATIN BOW TIE AT THE ANKLE (!) while there is no snow on the ground. I don't care if the high is 19 degrees. I'll risk the frostbite. If mother nature thwarts my plan, I'll wear the bitches in the spring.

There. That's today's blog!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I think that I may resurrect this blog by typing through the mind of my inner drag queen. OKRRR, gurl?
